
We can help you sort out your super. Well, at least the basics. For more complex super advice, we’ll put you in touch with our preferred partner, Discover Financial.

We help both individuals and businesses sort out their super.

Not sure if your business is compliant with superannuation regulations? We can help. We also have experience establishing & maintaining Self Managed Super Funds.

If you’re looking for specialised superannuation advice, or your needs are a bit more complex, we’ll help put you in touch with our preferred partner firm Discover Financial. Their super knowledge is next level.

Protecting your future.

The world of superannuation can be daunting to business owners. We understand that. Our advisors will help you cut through the red tape and complexities to maximise your superannuation. We’ll make sure that you’re compliant with all your obligations. If we identify areas for improvement, we’ll work with you to devise ideal solutions that benefit you and your family. We’re proactive about growing your wealth, taking advantage of regulations around caps, assets and forward balances to get you the best result.

We also love talking to our clients about Self Managed Super Funds. SMSFs can offer a more flexible superannuation solution, allowing you to minimise taxation and  invest more directly in assets like property. However, many people are understandably nervous about going out on their own. We can guide you through the process, helping you to reap the benefits while avoiding the pitfalls.

When you’re looking to compare funds, or you need more complex advice about superannuation and SMSF, we’ll put you in touch with our partner firm, Discover Financial.  We have a long history with Discover Financial, and we can vouch for just how good they are. They really are superannuation experts. 

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